TubeTrace with FP


● 8, 15 & 33 W/m
● Tmax maintain 93°C
● Cut to length

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Thermon TubeTrace, utilizing the “cut-to-length” FP constant watt heat tracing, is engineered to deliver freeze protection or temperature maintenance for tubing for temperatures up to 93°C. The robust construction of FP heat trace enhances durability, making it well-suited for applications such as emissions and process analyzers.


  • Uniform watt density per unit length
  • Avoids high inrush current during startup
  • Eliminates the requirement for oversized circuit breakers
  • Approved for use in hazardous (classified) areas
  • Long circuit lengths possible



Additional information

Available watt densities

8, 15 and 33 W/m

Supply voltages

230 Vac nominal

Tube temperature range

5°C to 93°C

Max. continuous exposure temperature

204°C (power-off)

T-rating based on stabilised design

T3: 200°C to T6: 85°C